Monday, March 18, 2013


While I was in Beersheba Springs with my bunko friends, my friend Regina told me she had someone she wanted to set me up with. I told her to bring it on. A few days later, I was nervously sat at the bar at Merchant’s waiting on this guy:

Meet Matthew.

Our first two weeks of getting to know one another was a little interesting, retrospectively, as I was SO reluctant to let walls down. 33 days later, I think going to Merchant’s was the best decision I have ever made. It’s actually pretty funny: I was sitting at the bar, waiting for him to get there. After he was officially a whopping 4 minutes late, I was aggravated and texted him. Turns out, he had been outside waiting on ME to get there the whole time: I came in the side entrance; he was waiting at the front door. I guess you could say that we were looking for each other in different places, but good news everyone: I found him.


  1. Adorable. Totally excited for you.

  2. eeeeeeeee!!!!!!! this post makes me happy tooo!!!!! (should I add in a few more exclamation points? I know how you love them! ;))

  3. I've read your blog for a longtime now, and this post makes ME happy! Big smile on my face, far away in Texas, where I am happy that you are happy!

  4. When I got the text that he was "officially late," I didn't think he'd last a whole 33 days. So glad you found him, Linds. SO SO GLAD! :) Cheers for Matthew!

  5. Total blog stalker! I'm so happy for you! And, I'm so thankful that you have kept your blog up all this time! I **hope** and pray that you get everything you deserve in life and love! As for me, I'll just be lurking in the shadows :-)

  6. Yaaaay!! I've been waiting for this post!! So happy for you!!

  7. This makes ME so happy too!! Go Linds!


Oh goody!

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