Wednesday, October 05, 2011


At halftime of the Auburn game on Saturday, I hopped in the shower so I could get ready for my reunion. I spent the entire second half of the game running back and forth between the mirror and the TV to see what had happened. It felt like every other down there was an interception or something. My nerves were shot by the time the game ended!

As soon as the clock hit zero (hold your comments on THAT, please), I was out the door and racing up 280 for the event to begin. I hadn't made it to the cookout and game on Friday (had a good excuse) or to the Saturday afternoon, kid-friendly picnic, so I was excited about finally seeing everyone!
From what I could see (and from what I was told repeatedly) everyone really enjoyed themselves. It was fun to see former classmates and meet their significant others. Add to that merriment a delicious spread of dips, yummy finger sandwiches, pasta and my personal favorite, a fabulous dessert sampler! The food was a hit for sure. As if old friends and yummy food wasn't enough, we also had a rockin' playlist put together by DJ LJ (me), a cash bar and an enormous TV showing the Bama-Florida game! You'd just about think it was a party!

Also, on a recent trip home, I unearthed my senior yearbook, as well as our senior class prophecies. Folks had a great time flipping through the yearbook and re-reading (and in some cases, explainging) the prophecies. Get this: mine said I would move to Nashville! Isn't that crazy? It also said I was going to marry my high school sweetheart's younger brother and get discovered by Kenny Rogers and well, clearly, neither of those things have happened. YET.

In a completely unsuspected and generous move, the class officers gave me a gift card for helping to pull the event together. I was so touched and already have my eye on several things to spend it on!
I won't speak for everyone, but I know I had a blast and wouldn't have done a thing differently. The venue was the perfect size for our crowd and everyone seemed to mingle really well together. Here's to another 10 great years!


Oh goody!

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