Friday, April 15, 2011


This has been such a blah week.

Believe it or not, my car was broken into AGAIN last night (pretty same situation as the first) so my apartment and I are officially on the po-po's Pay Attention To This Area list. My landlord is on top of the situation and I'm gonna do a few extra things myself to make sure it doesn't happen again!

Futhermore, my nice sunglasses have gone missing and while it is tempting to say they went missing in aforementioned break-in, that would be insurance fraud. I bought those sunglasses last fall with uttermost confidence in myself since I have never lost a pair of sunglasses. I was given a pair of Costa del Mars in 2003 and kept those for six years until I was given some new ones in 2009 (and I still have the Costas). So my track record with sunglasses was pretty good. I have a case in my purse I always put them in and somehow that system broke down on Tuesday night while enjoying a margarita and dinner with a new friend. So I made a friend, but lost some nice sunglasses.... jury is still out on how well that trade worked out but I'll let you know. I called the restaurant (twice), drove by and retraced my steps, turned my car and apartment inside out, and they are gone. Nice knowing ya, Tory Burch aviators.

I'm just in a poor mood. Don't mind me, I'm sure it will pass. In fact I know it will, because I have something really amazing coming up in May. Can you guess what it is?


  1. Hey Lindsay! Just sent you an email but I love blog comments so I thought you might too. Great to find you!


Oh goody!

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