Wednesday, March 30, 2011


As you may have heard, there is an HBO documentary coming out that has four Auburn players "confessing" they got money from the school. I don’t want to open that can of worms, because I think it’s total garbage, and not in the I-really-think-Clay-Aiken-is-straight! delusional way of thinking that I hide behind when I really know the truth deep down inside, and it hurts.

SO. My point is that it's caused scores of Auburn people to (among other things) take to the Twitterverse and post our own confessions, some fake, some real. They are really funny. Eighty to ninety percent of them are about parking permits. My Auburn confessions that I have shared today include: I have never been to the War Eagle Supper Club, I hated the tube socks we had to wear as Camp War Eagle counselors (no secret there) and that my first kiss at Auburn was in front of Owen Hall… when I was a senior in high school. Hey-oh!

If you have any confessions you’d like to unload, lay ‘em on us! Who knows, maybe a reporter will contact you for an HBO special!


  1. My flip flop broke while I was at The Highlands for a social and I just walked around with one shoe on the DISGUSTING bar floor. At the time I didn't seem to care. Now I cringe just thinking about it.

  2. I thought I was the only one that had never been to the supper club. One time I had to go to chemistry lab at night and when we left we pulled all the emergency showers and ran out. We use to drink wine and beer at night in the studio of Spidle Hall. Yesterday I stole a gatorade left over from football practice at Jordan Hare.

  3. I borrowed scissors from a bartender at Sky Bar and cut off a friend's mullet while sitting at the bar.

  4. I had a crush on a camper.

  5. I let a boy sleep on the sorority hall...

  6. I have totally enjoyed your tweets today!

  7. And i totally commented as Lofton yesterday... Shoot.

  8. i think you left one of your confessions off of your blog!


Oh goody!

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