Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Well kids. How was your fourth of July?

In the spirit of full disclosure, mine was tinged with a little bit of sadness. I knew this holiday would pass with at least one pity party. And I was right. It's just that I have really fond memories of the past two fourth of Julys. So this one was a little bittersweet. Mehh.

But enough about that.

Friday night, this girl and her husband rolled into town. We caught up over some good Mexican food. All parties present were exhausted, me from being up since 5 am with only a small nap, and them from being on the road for infinity 8 hours, so we didn't do anything afterward.

They did their own thing on Saturday while I hit the pool. Is it horrible that Saturday was my first trip to a pool the entire summer? And it’s not like I could stay there long – that’s a sunburn waiting to happen. Especially when you make a special trip to Walgreen’s for sunscreen and it won’t spray. And there’s a wasp the size of the bottle of sunscreen. Double fail. I headed home and freshened up in time to give Star, Travis, Star's friend from Auburn and her friend a driving tour of Nashville and then we hit the First Saturday Art Crawl I’d wanted to try for so long. It was so much fun! We saw lots of different kinds of art – the mixed media ones were my favorite by far. I had a glass of wine or two while we browsed the galleries and nibbled on a few of the snacks. Overall – great experience. Already looking forward to August!

Sunday I attempted the pool again – the wasp was gone and so were the clouds. Lordy, it was hot. I couldn’t bear the heat very long at all. Once I realized no one was holding me hostage and I didn't have to sit outside and fry, I decided to head in and put on my party dress. Our Fourth of July plans were to grill out at Evan’s and then check out the big firework show downtown. After a trip to Kroger, we arrived at Evan’s and set to work assembling a 4th of July feast to envy. As if the the food wasn't awesome, it turned out to be a really fun evening. Lots of laughs. Even though we were stuffed to the gills, we managed to fit everyone in the car and made our way downtown to watch the fireworks. Evan brought a radio with him, and I had a great viewing spot picked out… from the 4th floor of my building. Air conditioning + comfy chair + fireworks + symphony + friends = a great time! We went back to Evan’s for dessert and smores before calling it a night.

All in all it was a great weekend! Star and Travis, thanks for braving the rock slides to come see us!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for supporting the art crawl. I'm still recovering from the stellar Independence Day weekend.

    Any favorite spots or shows you hit up?


Oh goody!

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