Monday, January 26, 2009


Okay you chefs out there. Lay it on me - how hard is it to make bread?

My grandmother had a yeast starter that we froze after she passed away. I think my aunt has it now. I wouldn't trust myself with Granny's starter. I don't have a pet. I don't even have plants. So I am not sure if a starter - particularly one that is the legacy of my culinary goddess of a grandmother - that you have to feed and maintain is the way for me to go. I just want to know if the occasional loaf of bread like this (once again, thanks Lindsay) is doable, even for an idiot like me.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Warnings?


  1. i cant even make bread with a dont want my help. :(

  2. I am awful at it because I hate to measure things. M says it's all in the measurements, "rise time" & not using too much flour. So if you or C has a flare for the exact, I think success is in your future. We will swap you 2 loaves for 2 billy joel/elton tickets. Fair?

  3. I do not make bread. I mean, stores sell great breads, so I don't bother, unless it's quick bread (made with no yeast, but baking powder, baking soda, etc.). BUT I think it's worth trying. You may unveil your cooking talent!!!!

  4. Sorry I don't eat bread so never tried. I have had friends make bread, but they all used a bread maker. All baking is about measurements, so its really important to be super exact. If not your bread could turn out too dense or too gummy.


Oh goody!

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