Tuesday, December 30, 2008


So remember how I bought new Uggs and I love them?

I was partially lying. But let me explain. The boots themselves are great. High quality, so comfy. They're just a tiny bit too big.

Since it's after Christmas, no one is ordering more Uggs. Spring shoes are where it's at right now for the few stores that actually carry the brand. So the day after Christmas, I spent some time calling around trying to find a store that had a pair in the size, style and color I want. Figuring the same size I've been wearing in my old non-Ugg Uggs would be a good fit, I was glad to finally find some at the Summit and put them on hold. I went to try them on, they felt great and so I bought them. I gave the saleswoman cash plus the Visa gift card I've been sitting on since June and was going to use my debit card for the rest. This was too much for her to process, so she took my Visa gift card, bought a Belk gift card with it, and was able to complete the transaction that way.

So over the past few days, I've been thinking these shoes are a little big. I tried to ignore it. "Go away, nagging thought - these shoes fit GREAT!" It didn't work. I still wanted to try on a size smaller just to see if they'd fit. Hopefully, they'd be too tight and I'd have proven myself right.

I called a few Belks around Nashville yesterday and tried to find a size smaller, in any color, just to go and try on. Only one Belk in this town carries Uggs, and they didn't have anymore left. I found a pair at a Dillard's, though, and went after work to try them on. Y'all, it fit like a glove. Like the shoe had been custom cut to my foot.

I was furious when I left the store. Why had I been so hasty? A) If I wanted to return the too big boots, I'd be stuck with a ton of Belk store credit and B) I knew I'd never be able to find the correct size, style and color at a Belk this late in the season. I can order the right size from Uggs.com or something, but now I have wasted my Visa gift card and am going to have all that Belk credit and no money lying around to spare on my boots from anywhere else.

Just to test my luck, I put Monica to work and called about six different Belk stores in Alabama and Tennesse (and then later on one in Kentucky, Mississippi and Georgia). Everyone I spoke to was rude, and if they even carried that brand at all, all they had left were size 11s and weren't getting any more in.

So I guess I am just going to take these back for Belk credit and buy the right pair off the Uggs web site. I have no other choice if I want the right boots. I'm going to attempt to the first part of that plan after work today, so if anyone would like to buy some of my Belk's credit, let me know.


  1. Just a suggestion- if you get a Belk gift card from the return you can try selling it on ebay. Most gift cards sell on there for right under their face value. You would take a small hit, but it might be worth it to have cash.

  2. I guess that's what happens when you buy ugly shoes.

  3. i wanted uggs for christmas too, but then was indecisive so i didnt get them. all that to say that there is a belks across the street from me in the middle of nowhere warner robins ga. you can call them and if they have them i would be honored to pick them up and ship to you :)

    fbook me if you'd like.

  4. Two of these three comments were helpful.

    However, at my mom's suggestion, I asked the sales guy to credit her Belk account and she is going to give me money. Yay.


Oh goody!

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