Friday, November 28, 2008


Happy Thanksgiving weekend, y'all. Hope everyone is warm and dry and full and happy.

I'm in Alabama now, ready for Thanksgiving with my family. Yesterday was my first Turkey Day in Nashville, where you may recall I supplied the hot bacon and swiss dip (a hit), the mashed potatoes (another hit) and this little bonus surprise: a double chocolate peanut butter pie. After perusing the internet for the perfect, pudding-free recipe, this is what I decided on.

Behold! (Most of) the pie:
Notice that crumbly Oreo crust, subtle yet delicious peanut butter filling and perfect chocolate glaze with a crushed peanut border. I was so impressed with the fresh whipped cream I made for the filling, that I made some more just to have on hand. Looks like this cooking thing is gonna be easier than I thought!

Now it's time to head back into the kitchen to make more potatoes for Thanskgiving, round 2. Too bad I didn't bring enough pie for everyone!

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