Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Recently, my friend's blog got hijacked. By her husband.

He added his name as an author and tossed his two cents into the ring. In this case, the ring of home decor. Don't get me wrong - I love it. "Blackberry", you are a hoot and I like reading what you have to say.

Actually, a couple of my friends and their husbands share blogs. So I got to thinking: would I ever share this blog with a husband? As in: here's the password, write what you want. Naturally, that opened the will I ever have a husband can, but that's another post entirely.

Anyway, the answer I arrived at? No. I guess I am selfish. It's one thing to start a blog specifically about your family. But this blog is my one little thing I do all by myself and have been for two full years. I assume one day a Significant Other will play a supporting role in many of the stories I will write about on here, but if he'll just have to start his own blog or share the comments section with the rest of you if he needs to express his point of view.

It's like Monica and her closet that she keeps locked up from Chandler. I just don't want anyone to mess it up!


  1. the trick is to make him think it's his idea that he doesn't contribute to your blog. it's like that scene in "my big fat greek wedding" when tula's mom and aunt make her father do what they wanted him to do without him knowing it. what does she say, "marriage is like a body- the man is the head and the woman is the neck. she make the head turn where she want." (she said it exactly like that). :)
    i really am not as sneaky as this comment might lead you to believe!

  2. that worked for a while, Katie, but he wasn't fooled for long!

  3. This has nothing to do with this post...But I just want to say how excited I am about MuJa Star (MJ) coming to the Gauntlet III! But I hate the Rookies (except Neamiah).

  4. bạn đang cần theo hoc nghe bep tại TPHCM ? hãy chọn truong day nau an NETSPACE nhé

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