Sunday, December 30, 2007


I'm home from the holidays. Time to unpack and get back in the "swing of things." What's weird is as much as I crave routine, sometimes I hate the "swing of things." The end of the year is so busy and fun and exciting, and now what do I have to look forward to?

I hope your Christmas was as good as mine. I think this year's was close to perfect. Lots of laughs, lots of fun, lots of happiness. We watched a ton of home videos, ate almond bark like it was going out of style, talked a lot about running and even played Monopoly until 1 a.m.

The next time we'll all be in the same place again won't be until April. That's sad but it makes those times when we are in the same place that much better.

Back to unpacking and unwinding before I have to get back in the "swing of things." Ugh. I'm going to count how many times I hear that phrase this week.

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