Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Dear Chick Fil A Worker Who Gave Me Fruit When I Asked For Fries,

Point taken.


Dear Brian,

I think you're on to something...


Dear MTV's Fall Television Programming,

First Two-A-Days, now the Duel... I wish I knew how to quit you!


It continues to get colder here in Nashville, I continue to go home every weekend, and that's about as interesting as it gets with me. Sorry. No funny stories of late to tell of late. Time is flying by. Before I know it, it'll be 2007, I'll have a brother, and my mother will be the next to announce her engagement... I'm just guessing.

Speaking of engagements, my cousin is getting married now, too! Not the 6-year-old, Anne Heaton, although she probably will tie the knot before I do. If anyone is still keeping track, that makes everyone in my family that's above the legal marrying age now engaged, wed, or about to be. I don't think its fair that my parents are both on round 2 and I haven't gotten a try yet. They say being a bridesmaid three times means you'll never be a bride. I'm up for double or nothing in 2007. Maybe the second three times will negate the first three?

I went to Auburn for homecoming and was made to feel even older than I am on more than one occasion. I was even trying to blend in by not wearing orange and instead dressing young and hip like every other girl there. It made me sad to realize that unless Georgia game tickets start growing on trees, that will be my last time there until December... or later. I wasn't sure I was even going to be able to go to the Georgia game due to a work conflict, but being the sweet talker I am, I worked it out. Now I at least have the option to go. Too bad options don't get you into Jordan-Hare.

I'm really close to getting a Tivo. Does that count as news? I have been pricing them, weighing my options and talking it over with my roommate. Stevo the Tivo will make a great companion this long, cold winter. Too bad he can't cuddle.

It's come to my attention that my blog needs a new title. Feel free to suggest one. Diary of an eternally sarcastic bridesmaid? Diary of a wine-loving country music star wannabe? Stories from a Sarcastic Single? Dazzle me with your suggestions.

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